Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hannah Hutchison

BAPZ=How did u break into modelin?

HANNAH=I got bored when my ex husband was deployed and wanted a hobby that was fun and allowed me to meet other girls my age.

BAPZ=Summary of modelin gigs u have had?

HANNAH=Multiple fliers for IFN, Full page spread in the Fayetteville Feed, advertisement for Epiphany Boutique, 3 runway shows, 5 page spread in the Fayetteville Observer, one hair show, Advertisements for Thesis

BAPZ=Do u have any werid shoot expreicnces?

HANNAH=I once shot an implied shoot with one of my photographers, we were doing a shower scene and I was actually in sweats from the collarbone down. He wanted me to turn the water on, and for the sake of the shot I did. I ended up soaked and laughing so hard it was difficult to get another shot.

BAPZ=Who is ur top designer?

HANNAH=My main designer right now is Thesis. I've been doing a lot of work with him lately and enjoy it very much.

BAPZ=Wat r u workin on now?

HANNAH= Right now I'm working on some upcoming events for Indulge for the New Year to set things off right.

BAPZ=Monster men huh tell me about that?

HANNAH=Monster men huh tell me about that? Monster Man is a cartoon character that I created that has evolved into a cartoon strip and a clothing line that is having its official launch in July of 2011. He's nothing more than a green blob that says whatever he wants, whenever he wants to say it.

BAPZ=Was ur goto item u cant leave home with out?

HANNAH=Most definitely my Pandigital Novel. It's like an iPad, but smaller and less expensive. It has my entire digital portfolio on it along with my favorite music and upcoming appointments.

BAPZ=How was it workin with IFN members ? (photoshoots,fashionshows , ect)

HANNAH=It has been an experience to say the least. I have made several good friends that I wouldn't be the same without. Even with the stresses that come with the shows and the drama of having that much estrogen in a small space, it's something that I wouldn't trade for the world.

BAPZ=Anything u want to add?

HANNAH=It isn't an easy job, definitely nothing like I expected. I almost gave up several times because I was told I didn't have a "model body", but I'm glad now that I didn't. I got where I am looking how I do. No diets, no insane work outs, just me.

Booking, e-mail or message me at
info about Monster Man Customs, e-mail