Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Runways and Diaper Bags

When working in the world of fashion, there are a lot of demands and expectations that need to be met without exceptions or excuses. Interestingly enough, it’s the same with motherhood. Mom’s of the new millennium are doing it all; working full-time jobs, maintaining their homes while making sure the kids get their homework done. In between all of this, many can be found prowling runways or posing for magazine covers with bodies that instill envy in the rest of us. While this year’s Mother’s Day is behind us, we here at Indulge have taken a look into the lives of a few mothers who can get the kids on the school bus on time, and still make it to the photo shoot without breaking a sweat.

1. Was it harder to be a model before or after you had kids?
    “I started modeling after I had my daughter. Once I had her, I finished school then decided to get into modeling. It was harder for me, much harder. You had to balance being a mother as well as your career. It was hard trying to cater to [my daughter’s] needs as well as cater to my needs in the modeling world. It wasn’t easy to juggle that.”

2. How were you able to balance the home, a steady job AND modeling?
    “It’s all about managing your time. I would schedule shoots and stuff around me, and what I could do at that moment. It’s all about balancing what’s important.”

3.. What kind of relationship do you have with your own mother?
     “My mother is my mother and my father. She is my world. I have to talk to her everyday. There’s not a day that passes that I don’t talk to her. We have a great relationship, a great friendship.”

4. What was your first thought when you discovered that you were going to be a mommy?
    “The first thing that came to my mind was ‘Oh my gosh! I’m going to be a mom!’. I was overwhelmed! I was very excited about becoming a mother to my own!”

5. What advice do you have to give to other mothers out there who want to do what you do?
     “The best advice I have to give them would be to first love yourself and your kids. Don’t ever be discouraged! If modeling is something you want to do, no matter your age, don’t let anything discourage you, and continue to strive to be the best you can be.”

1. What is the biggest affect your career choice has had on your child? What affect does it have on you as a mother?
    “My career has an effect on my son, because the career I've chosen will potential take care of him. The effect it has on myself as far as being a mother, sometimes I cant give him all my attention. I wish there was two of me.”

2. What do you want to do differently from your own parents?
    “I always seem to do the opposite of my parents. Their ideal career for me would be something typical, like a RN , or receptionist. I have dreams, big ones, of having my own business. I love art, and I tend to be rebellious. I want my career to be exciting where you never know what to expect.”

3. You’ve mentioned that your son suffers from autism. What is the hardest part about being a mother to a child with this condition?
    “The hardest part about being a mother with a child with autism is me being young. I’m still learning how to be just a mother, but a mother to a child with autism is even more difficult. He doesn’t communicate, so it's hard to understand him, and know what he wants at times.”

4. How did you feel when you discovered that your child had autism? Did anything change for you?
    “When I found out my son had autism, I cried. I didn’t understand, I wanted to blame myself. They told me 1 out of every 10 boys have autism. That its very common, and there’s no reason for it. My second thought was why my son. My son is very smart though, I now see it as a blessing he has a gift, and as he get older and find out what makes him go he is going to achieve beyond anyone’s imagination.”

5. What advice do you have to give to mothers out there who want to do what you do?
    “If you have any type of dreams, or personal goals. Go for it. You have one life and I cant live mine without knowing that I’ve tried to reach it.”

Friday, July 15, 2011

Introducing: Manda Michelle

My name is Amanda Michelle, but most people call me Manda. I am a licensed cosmetologist and I am currently a freelance model out of the North Carolina triangle area, setting up photo shoots and booking runway shows whenever I can. I’m working to improve my skill, and hopefully find more opportunities to take me to the next level.

I was born and raised in a small town in Preble county, Ohio. I’ve been involved in modeling since I was about 13-years-old, going through some training and competing in a few local competitions. In high school, I casts, directed, styled and choreographed my own runway show for my school’s multicultural festival with about fifteen models. The experience opened my eyes to the potential that I have in other areas of the fashion industry other than just modeling.

After graduating, I married my high school sweetheart which put a stop to my plans of going to New York to pursue the modeling industry. My husband and I have two beautiful boys; Gavin, 5, and Jackson, 2. Our family moved to North Carolina after my husband received his orders from the United States Army to be stationed in Fort Bragg.

Since moving to the area, my family has supported my decision to start taking my passion for modeling to the next level by finding photographers to help me update and improve my portfolio. I have been in runway shows such as NC Fashion Week 2010, Vanity Affair Fashion and hair Show 2010, and I closed the Fashion Proclamation 2011 in a Marco Hall original gown. My most recent project, which has not yet been released, was a group of zodiac concept with BNS Photography out of Charlotte, NC.

My goal is to be signed to a top agency by 2012. Although I love the fashion industry, and continue working towards my goal, I never forget what is truly important to me: being a supportive army wife, and a loving mother.

I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the guidance of the Lord and the support of my family and friends. Thank you to everyone who has been there and believed in me through my journey.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



The sunlight barely peaked over the collection of townhouses as the crew unpacked their electrical light sources from the back of the SUV. They had spent a major portion of the day running around downtown Fayetteville getting shots for the month’s issue, and as they unloaded the equipment there on Ray street, their expedition was coming to a close.

Photographer John “J. Cov” Covington placed the lamps in front of a vacant stoop as fashion stylist Lynell Aldafari added a few final touches to the models. All day the crew had been chasing the sun, but being that father time waits for no one, the crew would have to make due with what they could before dark. “I hope whoever doesn’t mind us stealing their power,” laughs model Shirel “Sasha Fierce” Lankford as she watched Lynell plug the extension cord into an outdoor outlet.

“Me too,” Lynell responded, “We better make this quick before someone complains.”
J. Cov asked Johanna Johnson, one of the models, to take her place. She eased up the steps trying to position herself in the light. Finally content with where she was, she began posing, ready for the snapshot when Lynell brought to her attention that her outfit was slightly malfunctioning. “Fix your shirt,” she called out, “The chain isn’t supposed to be hanging that low. Also, I can see your thong.”

J. Cov readily snapped a few flashes before noting that he was going to need a different lamp. The sun had been pushing him for time all day, and while he had some pretty good shots, the coming darkness was sure to be an issue, especially being that Johanna’s outfit consisted of dark colors. By that time, he noticed that something else was missing. “Where is Devon?” he asked.

Everyone looked around with expressions of confusion and nonchalant shrugs. Where had the infamous hair stylist known gone? “Well, he mentioned he was hungry,” said Lynell, “He probably walked around the corner to get something to eat.”

As if he could hear his name from a distance, Dev’on Buie strolled around the corner with two to-go boxes filled with French fries smothered in cheese and bacon. Johanna and Sasha’s eyes widened at the sight, and they both reached into the styrofoam container to indulge in their guilty pleasure of greasy fried food. While aware that it wasn’t the best idea to feast on such delicacies while trying to capture the two of them in bathing suits, it had been a long day, and counting calories was the furthest thing from their minds. Johanna ultimately ate her lipgloss off, and was having a hard time locating more.

After enjoying their greedy moment, Johanna was ready to finish up her segment. Grabbing his handy-dandy small tooth comb in one hand, while still holding a plate of food in another,  Devon jumped on the set to try and tame a few strings of Johanna’s hair that got caught in the wind. “Really?” Lynell asked, eyes not deterring once from his plate. “So you’re just gonna get hair all in the fries?”

They all let loose a healthy laugh as Devon sat the plate down. “That’s the only thing she’s worried about!” said Sasha.

Cars rolled by as the camera flashed Johanna’s subtle moves, her face focused with every shot. J. Cov could be heard behind the lens giving directions where she needed her turn her head; Lynell giving minor suggestions. “You’ve got to really overemphasize everything,” said Lynell as she mimicked Johanna’s current position. “When you stick your leg out, you’ve got to stick it out.”

“Sasha, you’re up,” said J. Cov as he prepared his next roll of film.

For a few seconds, Sasha moved about in the light finding her place. It wasn’t long until J. Cov began flashing. Her lean body moved gracefully with a subtle sensuality in her facial expressions. Lynell stood on the sideline playing creative director beside J. Cov. “Turn your foot in some,” he directed.

Lynell popped up on the set to assist, but either way it wasn’t working. “It’s hard to do that in these heels,” said Sasha looking down at the monstrously high shoes she mentioned were a bit loose on her earlier. “It’s cool, though. We’ll just change the pose. I can’t be breaking my ankles, now!”

The night grew comfortable over the city, making Sasha’s time to shine even more difficult. She constantly had to turn and twist her body to get particular shots in the light, leaning forwards, backwards and to the side. “I want a picture of the chains hanging from her vest,” said Lynell.

“Yeah, that would be a good shot,” Sasha added.

“And I kind of want a picture of the back,” Lynell continued.

Lynell walked over to position Sasha’s body in a way that would get the shot they were looking for, but it took a couple of flashes and repositioning to get exactly what was wanted. After fighting with angles and lighting, the shoot was complete.

Still in their bathing suits, the models sat down on the stoop with fellow photographer Superman who had pulled out his laptop to show pictures of the bike show that took place a few days before. Soon, the equipment was put away, and everyone came together to discuss their next move. Lynell and her models spoke of stepping out for the night, but was having a hard time deciding whether to pay a $10 entrance fee just to hang out for no more than an hour or so. J. Cov was packed up and ready to return to Raleigh while Dev’on mentioned that he had to get back to work. “You have to go to work?” Sasha asked while looking at her phone for the time.

“Yeah, I’ve got to head back,” Devon said with a smile.

“Who the hell is trying to get their mop done at almost nine o’clock at night?” Sasha said in disbelief.

“No, seriously,” Lynell pepped in, “This dude has stayed at the shop until after midnight some nights. He needs to get to work. We need him to make that money.”

Laughter rang out as the streetlights illuminated the pavement. Everyone loaded up their personal belongings; it was time to say goodbye for the night. Hugs were passed out, as well as reminders of dates and times for the next shoot. “We’ll do this a little earlier next time,” Lynell called out, and as cars were cranked and headlights were beamed, the crew drifted away.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Planking IS.............?

If you haven't already heard about the planking game, just watch this video.

There's over 400,000 fans on the planking facebook page

This picture below shows how slaves where planked in ships.

The Original Plankers (NOT BY CHOICE, NOT SO FUN )

Captains wanted to fit as many slaves as they could on the ships so they planked them on wooden boards and chained them down.

Was  take and are thought on this ?